From the 24th – 28th of April 2015, Malaysia will be hosting the 26th ASEAN Summit in Kuala Lumpur and Langkawi. In the week leading up to the summit, a number of ASEAN-related events are being held in Malaysia. We have been tracking keywords and hashtags associated with ASEAN and prepared a summary of the most-shared content and most popular users on Twitter for April 23rd. This summary is focused more on events happening in Malaysia.
For details about the ASEAN People’s Forum (APF) programmes please visit
For news coverage of APF please visit A list of popular Twitter users is available at the end of this post.
Top Mentions
EAM @SushmaSwaraj – We r committed 2 intensifying cooperation with ASEAN in security, trade, investment, connectivity & capacity-building
— Arindam Bagchi (@MEAIndia) April 23, 2015
Bloomberg has rated us as the world’s 5th most promising emerging market in 2015 and the only ASEAN country in its top 10
— Mohd Najib Tun Razak (@NajibRazak) April 23, 2015
ASEAN is expected to become the world’s 4th largest economy by 2050, if not before. We have the 3rd largest labour force in the world.
— Mohd Najib Tun Razak (@NajibRazak) April 23, 2015
"#Rohingya issue has become an #ASEAN problem due to huge amounts of refugees fleeing into Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia." #Burma
— Anonymous (@YourAnonCentral) April 23, 2015
Speaking now on panel examining torture at #ASEAN People's Forum @AseanPF , demanding responses from governments to end abuses #HRW
— Phil Robertson (@Reaproy) April 23, 2015
.@Khairykj "Why don't we name our SEA Game ASEAN Games instead?"
— Kapten Kahan (@zarakahan) April 23, 2015
Asia pacific is a huge market for genetically engineered crops – Jana @PANAsiaPacific #StopTPP #aseanpeople #APF2015
— APWLD (@apwld) April 23, 2015
Non-interference of ASEAN = a conspiracy of silence. – @AzminAli at #aseanpeople
— ASEAN Peoples' Forum (@AseanPF) April 23, 2015
Issues of migrant workers,refugees and human rights abuses remains the main problem in #aseanpeople #ASEAN
— prakkash (@arulprk) April 23, 2015
"We must promote true democracy, not the electoral democracy. Promote the voices of the people." ~Alissa Wahid for @AseanPF #aseanpeople #fb
— Rochelle Porras (@rochporras) April 23, 2015
Top Media
New chapter begins in India – ASEAN partnership. EAM @SushmaSwaraj with SG ASEAN at inaug of Ind Mission to ASEAN Jkt
— Arindam Bagchi (@MEAIndia) April 23, 2015
Where is #patani in #ASEAN ? Flash mob happening at the #aseanpeople cc. @bedlamfury @AseanPF
— Gayathry V (@gayathry) April 23, 2015
Giving voice to the voiceless: missing persons, missing peoples at #aseanpf #aseanpeople
— SEAPA (@seapabkk) April 23, 2015
"it's become quite absurd in #Malaysia almost anything & everything will be investigated #AseanPF #FOEAsean #APF2015
— AI Malaysia (@AmnestyMy) April 23, 2015
Luncheon Talk by YAB MB Selangor @AzminAli at the ASEAN People Forum/ ASEAN Civil Society Conference @AseanPF
— Akademi Belia (@akademibelia) April 23, 2015
Stand up against #BaliTolakReklamasi #RembangMelawan at #APF2015 in KL cc @dcandraningrum @JRX_SID @AlissaWahid
— daniel awigra (@awigra) April 23, 2015
With @NickFang21 & @dinopattidjalal at @siia_tweet forum in Singapore. Discussion on ASEAN & bilateral ties.
— Khairy Jamaluddin (@Khairykj) April 23, 2015
At TPP workshop at Asean People Forum. Pple concerned abt lack of transparency, corporations suing governments etc
— Charles Santiago (@mpklang) April 23, 2015
Advancing social & economic agenda for #asean must benefit workers to succeed. Session 62 & 29 #aseanpeople @mpklang
— ASEAN Peoples' Forum (@AseanPF) April 23, 2015
Attending Senate Sitting. Minister @HishammuddinH2O answering question on IS threat in Asean.
— chong sin woon 张盛闻 (@chongsinwoon) April 23, 2015
#ASEAN people do not forget; they ask @ASEAN and Lao government: "please return #sombath safely." #APF2015 @AseanPF
— AEPF (@aepf_asia) April 23, 2015
Plenary Session 1:Towards a People-Centered ASEAN addressed by Minister D Paul Low, moderated by D @saifuddinabd
— Akademi Belia (@akademibelia) April 23, 2015
Large scale hydropower dams: transboundary threat and common responsibility of ASEAN. Session 10 #aseanpeople
— ASEAN Peoples' Forum (@AseanPF) April 23, 2015
Enforced disappearance in #ASEAN – a people oriented approach? #ASEANPeople @AseanPF
— Gayathry V (@gayathry) April 23, 2015
@AlissaWahid present @GUSDURians on ASEAN People' Forum @AseanPF
— anis hidayah (@anishidayah) April 23, 2015
NH: Zelda Soriano of @gpph and A-FAB addressing the #ASEAN Peoples' Forum in Kuala Lumpur. @AseanPF #ASEANpeople
— A-FAB Coalition (@AFABCoalition) April 23, 2015
Southeast Asian leaders urged to act on #Burma’s #Rohingya crisis #Myanmar #ASEAN
— Asian Correspondent (@AsCorrespondent) April 23, 2015
Children matter: CSOs in #ASEAN for child rights. session 48 #AseanPeople
— ASEAN Peoples' Forum (@AseanPF) April 23, 2015
#wearebilly let's not forget billy, the Karen activist who's gone missing a year now #aseanpeople @AseanPF
— Gayathry V (@gayathry) April 23, 2015
Charles Santiago spoke on d need for a social ASEAN; people's interest over corp. interest @ASEANpf @mpklang
— AEPF (@aepf_asia) April 22, 2015
“Use of torture and ways to prevent it” – @shazyra workshop notes @AseanPF #APF2015
— APT Geneva (@apt_geneva) April 23, 2015
Underlaying reasons for govt attacks on religion: how to destroy civil society frm ground up. Session 34 #aseanpeople
— ASEAN Peoples' Forum (@AseanPF) April 23, 2015
Upholding international standards for women's human Rights in southeast Asia. Session 47 #aseanpeople
— ASEAN Peoples' Forum (@AseanPF) April 23, 2015
King Oey of ASC and @aruspelangi discusses SOGIE criminalization in the ASEAN
@IGLHRC #aseanpf #acscapf2015
— ASEAN SOGIE Caucus (@ASEANSOGIE) April 23, 2015
with @AlissaWahid @juliusibrani @dembiq at #APF2015 in KL speak up together #BaliTolakReklamsi n #RembangMelawan
— daniel awigra (@awigra) April 23, 2015
Vietnam : human rights defenders are abused and physically harassed. #APF2015
— Michelle Yesudas (@chelle_yesudas) April 23, 2015
Building sustainable peace in SE Asia: @WiltonPark findingss from mtg with ASEAN experts
— Isobelle Jaques (@IsobelleJaques) April 23, 2015
Young Women Making Change Vietnam did a survey on dating violence among young women. #aseanpeople
— Juana Jaafar (@juanajaafar) April 23, 2015
@leowmjw explains further on federal level on Freedom of Information & #OpenData #APF2015 #ASEAN #aseanpeople
— ناني ي هارون™ (@Nany_JHaron) April 23, 2015
With @HwiMunn at APF2015 #aseanpeople today as volunteers! Excited for what today holds :')
— rchl (@rachelpriya) April 23, 2015
@AmnestyThailand is killing it at #APF2015! I wonder if the #aseanpeople can help us #findbilly..
— rchl (@rachelpriya) April 23, 2015
Covering ASEAN & Civil Society. Discussion this PM, 2 to 4 at Dewan Kuliah A4 #aseanpeople #aseanPF
— SEAPA (@seapabkk) April 23, 2015
Fmr #Asean leaders have issued letter on intolerance in #Myanmar @OpRohingya @Aungaungsittwe @JamilaHanan #Rohingya
— Veronica Pedrosa (@Vpedrosa) April 22, 2015
Our Cambodian representatives at the booth. :) #APF2015 #ACSC2015
— ASEAN SOGIE Caucus (@ASEANSOGIE) April 22, 2015
Great to see the freedom of expression space becoming populated w messages & stories of #FOEAsean #aseanpeople
— CIJ Malaysia (@CIJ_Malaysia) April 23, 2015
Where is Patani in Asean? By Permas, The Federation of Patani Student & Youth. #aseanpeople #apf2015 #patani
— Ezrena Marwan (@ezrenahussain) April 23, 2015
"W/out citizenship we r like a fish out of water, flapping & unable 2 breathe" See #Rohingya exhibit in KL #APF2015
— Greg Constantine (@grconstantine) April 23, 2015
Young Women Making Change Malaysia conducting an activity following a skit on sexual harassment. #aseanpeople
— Juana Jaafar (@juanajaafar) April 23, 2015
Panelists for session on Building Youth Solidarity Networks for Social Justice in Conflict Areas in #ASEAN. #APF2015
— ناني ي هارون™ (@Nany_JHaron) April 23, 2015
In conjunction w #APF2015, Workshop on "Interfaith in Action" is happening right now @ Wisma MCA. @GMM_Foundation
— Syahrul Nordin (@syahrulnordin) April 23, 2015
Discussion on "Use of Torture and Tactics to prevent it in ASEAN" at Soon Chon Auditorium kickstarts!
— Shazeera Zawawi (@shazyra) April 23, 2015
Twitter Community
This network graph shows how users tweeting about ASEAN (and related events) were connected to each other on April 23rd 2015 (UTC +8). There are 3,936 users in this network.
Each user is represented as a node (circle) that is sized based on the number of tweets they sent to other users, and retweets of their own tweets. Large nodes are users who generated content that was shared and drew attention from other users. The nodes are also coloured based on a popularity scale from blue (low) to yellow, orange, red and purple (high). Nodes are connected to each other if they tweet to each other or retweet each other. Repeated interactions between users are represented as thicker lines.
Ranked by popularity, the top 25 users were: