During the recent by-election in P76.Teluk Intan we have been collecting data from both Facebook and Twitter. Keywords based on the campaign and name of the candidates Dyana Sofya (PR/DAP) and Mah Siew Keong (BN/GERAKAN) were used.
Mah Siew Keong won the seat with a majority of 238 votes.
The following social media statistics and most-shared posts/tweets are based on what was posted on May 31st 2014 (polling day). Please note that for Facebook we are limited to only public posts, and only a daily sample of what was shared. For Twitter we work with a live stream of data, so there is no sampling issue there.
This post covers both Facebook and Twitter content.
Please read our other #PRKTelukIntan posts for more information:
Top Twitter Content From #PRKTelukIntan, Final Campaign Day
Top Facebook Media and Stats From #PRKTelukIntan, Week 2
Top Twitter Content About Mah Siew Keong, #PRKTelukIntan
Top Twitter Content About Dyana Sofya, #PRKTelukIntan
Top Facebook Media and Stats from #PRKTelukIntan, Week 1
Teluk Intan Social Media Stats
1. Facebook Statistics
Note: ‘Public posts’ refer to public shares of public content. Likes are under-reported because Facebook does not provide a total like count per-post. We are limited to a maximum of 25 likes per-post.
Total shares refer to the number of public and private shares for a given post (re-sharing). Total share statistics are also under-reported because Facebook did not provide a share count for all photos.
For example, 380 photos shared 1,070 times with 540 total shares means there were 1,070 Facebook posts in total, that were in turn shared 540 times. The 380 photos may have been shared across 1,610 posts (1070+540). However we have no details on the 540 total shares, which may include some of the original 1,070 posts that we obtained.
1.1 About Dyana Sofya:
- 488 public posts by 400 users
- 4,822 total shares of public posts
- 2,098 likes of public posts
- Public posts are divided into:
- 252 status posts by 215 users (241 total shares)
- 96 photos posted/shared 135 times by 114 users (76 total shares)
- 13 videos posted/shared 57 times by 56 users (2,757 total shares)
- 29 links posted/shared 44 times by 26 users (1,748 total shares)
1.2 About Mah Siew Keong
- 154 public posts by 108 users
- 1,532 total shares of public posts
- 1,456 likes of public posts
Public posts are divided into:
- 96 status posts by 75 users (259 total shares)
- 30 photos posted/shared 32 times by 27 users (139 total shares)
- 4 videos posted/shared 4 times by 4 users (4 total shares)
- 16 links posted/shared 22 times by 8 users (1,130 total shares)
Data collection on Mah Siew Keong was difficult due to a lack of public posts mentioning his name and campaign hashtags. There were promotional campaign posts, however these relied on words present in the image. Such posts did not contain they keywords that we were looking for, and were not included in this summary.
We calculate ‘most shared content’ based on the number of posts collected and the number of reported re-sharing of those posts (shares of shares). For each candidate we have listed the most shared videos, photos and links to external sites.
2. Most Shared Videos on Facebook
2.1 About Dyana Sofya
2,047 total shares (link)
455 total shares (link)
160 total shares (link)
52 total shares (link)
29 total shares (link)
2.2 About Mah Siew Keong
16 total shares (link)
4 total shares (link)
3. Most Shared Photos on Facebook
Analysis was done based on public shares as total share-count was not provided for most photos. We sought to include photos that had the highest share-count as reported on Facebook’s website.
3.1 About Dyana Sofya
7 public shares (link)
5 public shares (link)
4 public shares (link)
3.2 About Mah Siew Keong
2 public shares (link)
2 public shares (link)
4. Most Shared Links to External Sites on Facebook
Total shares were used to perform ranking.
4.1 About Dyana Sofya
“Dyana tewas: Penyokong DAP kecewa, ramai menangis”, KiniTV, 825 total shares
“Ahli Parlimen pakai baju logo BN masuk pusat mengundi, kata Dyana Sofya”, The Malaysian Insider, 228 total shares
“Dyana Sofya belum cukup mantap, kata Dr Asri”, Free Malaysia Today, 178 total shares
“Dyana terus jadi tumpuan pada hari pengundian”, KiniTV, 101 total shares
“Dyana: Mah hanya menang sekitar 200 undi”, KiniTV, 89 total shares
“Lebih 10 ribu banjiri ceramah kemuncak DAP”, KiniTV, 49 total shares
“Pekerja kempen BN halang media ambil risalah anti-Dyana”, KiniTV, 30 total shares
4.2 About Mah Siew Keong
“7:50 PM: Gerakan claims narrow victory”, KiniTV, 145 total shares
“Dyana: Mah hanya menang sekitar 200 undi”, KiniTV, 89 total shares
“Rasmi: Mah menang tipis di Teluk Intan”, KiniTV, 56 total shares
“Mah tak boleh tidur, terima apa keputusan sekali pun”, KiniTV, 5 total shares
5. Twitter Statistics
Dyana Sofya had a personal Twitter account at @dyanasmd. Mah Siew Keong did not have a Twitter account.
5.1 About Dyana Sofya:
- 10,922 tweets by 5,689 users
- 360 spammed tweets by 152 users
5.2 About Mah Siew Keong
- 5,441 tweets by 3,459 users
- 301 spammed tweets by 209 users
Media ranking was done by the number of users sharing the URL of the photo, not the number of retweets received.
Mention ranking was done by the number of users sharing the retweeted text of the original tweet. This is due to users’ common practice of manually retweeting tweets by a ‘copy and paste’ method. Results announcements were excluded from the listings, to focus more on opinions and statements.
6. Top Mentions on Twitter
6.1 About Dyana Sofya
Bertabahlah Dyana Sofya @dyanasmd. Wpon awk kalah kt Teluk Intan, tp tetap menang di hati abg. emm emm
— Abang Sado (@twt_gym) May 31, 2014
I’d like to congratulate Mr Mah for winning and @dyanasmd for almost getting there. Good show for a newbie. #PRKTelukIntan
— Marina Mahathir (@netraKL) May 31, 2014
Pretty devastated by this loss but I'm sure this is not the last we'll see of @dyanasmd! Well done for putting up a good fight!
— Ong Kian Ming (@imokman) May 31, 2014
Good try Miss Dyana Sofya.
— Bitternism (@bitternism) May 31, 2014
Dyana ni jadi Ahli Parlimen Twitter Cawangan Teluk Intan jelah.
— Luca MN (@mutalibuthman) May 31, 2014
Terima kasih @dyanasmd kerana berjaya 'game' @limkitsiang untuk jadi calon DAP & beri laluan @barisanasional menang! #PilihanBeta
— Sultan Melaka (@BetaOfficial_) May 31, 2014
Sabar @dyanasmd ..abg Leman tetap bersamamu..so bila boleh kapel?
— Leman Santan™ (@LemanSantan) May 31, 2014
Even saya tak support bn but it's so bullshitting dyana sofea mohd daud! Tak patut, tak patut😢
— ɴoтα υѕrαн (@RusyidahRoslan_) May 31, 2014
Jadi @eekmalahmad dan @dyanasmd boleh bukak Kelab Alumni Fakulti Undang2 UITM yang Kalah Pilihanraya
— NonTroll@Baba™ (@NonTeoh) May 31, 2014
6.2 About Mah Siew Keong
That awkward moment when ministers campaigning hard for Mah Siew Keong now realise one of us has to make way for him. (Disclaimer: joke, ya)
— Khairy Jamaluddin (@Khairykj) May 31, 2014
Saya bersyukur Datuk Mah Siew Keong berjaya meraih kemenangan utk @barisanasional di Teluk Intan.
— Mohd Najib Tun Razak (@NajibRazak) May 31, 2014
Mah Siew Keong menang. HIDUP MELAYU!
— malaysiangags (@malaysian_gags) May 31, 2014
Terima kasih semua pengundi #PRKTelukIntan. It's time to move on. Congrats to Dato' Mah Siew Keong our MP. Time to deliver all promises.
— Khairul Azwan Harun (@azwanbro) May 31, 2014
TERKINI! Laungan "Hidup Melayu" bergema di pusat penjumlahan undi! Tahniah Mah Siew Keong! #TelukIntan
— Aliff, Comrade Mohd (@AliffAshraff) May 31, 2014
Syabas diucapkan kpd Presiden Gerakan, Datuk Mah Siew Keong di atas kemenangan BN di Teluk Intan. Ayuh kita mula bekerja demi rakyat!
— Better Nation (@barisanasional) May 31, 2014
Nice weather clear blue sky good turnout so far good ministerial candidate. Let's not spoil these. #Vote4MahSiewKeong #PRKTelukIntan #BN4TI
— Khairul Azwan Harun (@azwanbro) May 31, 2014
Laung "hidup melayu" tapi takut undi melayu Dap. Datuk Mah Siew Keong tu melayu? Actually BN tak tengok bangsa tp dia tengok bendera. Haha!
— Muhammad HafizRayyan (@HafizRayyan) May 31, 2014
BN menang 238 majoriti di Teluk Intan. Tahniah D Mah Siew Keong. Selamat berkhidmat kpd rakyat. Tkasih banyak pengundi & semua jentera BN.
— Ahmad Maslan (@ahmadmaslan) May 31, 2014
7. Top Media on Twitter
7.1 About Dyana Sofya
Tahniah DYANA..menang walaupun 25 undi..#PRKTelukIntan pic.twitter.com/I8zeT3DWJg
Antara faktor besar kekalahan Dyana Sofya di Teluk Intan — SPR pic.twitter.com/rXLeeTChy9
— Utusan Merapu (@Utusan_Merapu) May 31, 2014
Certain parties will do ANYTHING to discredit @dyanasmd rather than fight honourably & honestly. pic.twitter.com/hWW5pdzX0L
— DAP Malaysia (@dapmalaysia) May 31, 2014
Pesanan Dyana Sofya buat pengundi Teluk Intan # Dyana4TelukIntan pic.twitter.com/UzLTQwpbtX
— MiLo SuaM (@milosuam) May 31, 2014
Mari kita goncangkan satu dunia mulai dari Teluk Intan! @dyanasmd @zairilkj @wkpooi pic.twitter.com/ktvSMjYfAj
— Lim Guan Eng (@cmlimguaneng) May 31, 2014
Calon DAP Dyana Sofya melawat pusat pembuangan undi Di SMK Sultan Abdul Aziz @501Awani #TelukIntanMemilih pic.twitter.com/nWuRx32igb
— Harits Asyraf Hasnan (@HaritsKarev) May 31, 2014
@dyanasmd menangis bila dapat tahu berita kekalahan.nak peluk jugak….. ngadu pada mak @imokman @razlanrafii pic.twitter.com/RALCM80Pr2
— #teamMKP (@matkilaupenang) May 31, 2014
@dyanasmd , u have done your BEST pic.twitter.com/MLmfZBWeYs
— Tiew Way Keng (@TiewWayKeng) May 31, 2014
Samseng lagi! RT@roketkini:Penyokong BN ketuk kereta @dyanasmd dgn pancang bendera sambil memekik beliau 'barua DAP' pic.twitter.com/9R9z08FAnc
— Lim Guan Eng (@cmlimguaneng) May 31, 2014
Gambar kenangan @dyanasmd sebelum bertolak melawat tempat pembuangan undi pagi ni di Teluk Intan.semoga Era Baru mula pic.twitter.com/2JteR16J7h
— Lim Guan Eng (@cmlimguaneng) May 31, 2014
@dyanasmd and YB Terrence at SMK Sultan Abdul Aziz pic.twitter.com/O3Tc4rQcOp
— SHAKIR (@ShakirAmeer) May 31, 2014
you'll never walk alone, @dyanasmd! pic.twitter.com/kNvNu9VcbU
— Khairil Anuar (@KhairilAnuar) May 31, 2014
@dyanasmd and @limkitsiang visiting the polling streams and the voters at SJKC Phooi Yong @501Awani #PRKTelukIntan pic.twitter.com/WclCCD6vIQ
— Teoh El Sen (@hellsen) May 31, 2014
Crowd outside Ops Centre Teluk Intan, DAP 8525 BN 7421 now. pic.twitter.com/x9e0boh1QR
— DAP Malaysia (@dapmalaysia) May 31, 2014
PRK Teluk Intan: Calon DAP Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud tiba di SMK Sultan Abdul Aziz 10.30 pagi tinjau tempat pengundian pic.twitter.com/s5fP02wo5O
— Harian Metro (@hmetromy) May 31, 2014
7.2 About Mah Siew Keong
Mah Siew Keong diumumkan secara rasmi sebagai Ahli Parlimen baharu Teluk Intan! Tahniah BN! pic.twitter.com/z0IMN5Mcas
— Khairy Jamaluddin (@Khairykj) May 31, 2014
BN candidate Mah Siew Keong received jubilant cheers of support as Gerakan claims victory. http://t.co/19NXHGQdtU pic.twitter.com/nr1f0sz9FQ
— malaysiakini.com (@malaysiakini) May 31, 2014
Datuk Mah Siew Keong, calon BN telah membuang undi di SMK Sultan Abd Aziz pagi ini #PRKTelukIntan @Khairykj @azwanbro pic.twitter.com/iv95dDqh5t
— Ibdilillah Ishak (@ibdil) May 31, 2014
Tahniah Dtk Mah Siew Keong. Tksih kpd pgundi Teluk Intan atas kepercayaan diberikn pd BN. Tksih kpd semua jentera BN. pic.twitter.com/Vz9WD2ywbV
— Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (@Zahid_Hamidi) May 31, 2014
Suasana di PDM Kg Bahagia. Steady Pemuda BN! #JomPilihMah #PRKtelukintan #P076 @Khairykj @azwanbro pic.twitter.com/YrPqEuAWLk
— Ibdilillah Ishak (@ibdil) May 31, 2014
#PRKTelukIntan: Datuk Mah Siew Keong tiba di SMK Sultan Abdul Aziz tadi untuk membuang undi pic.twitter.com/4vgU05hGjR
— FriendsofBN (@FriendsofBN1) May 31, 2014
#PRKTelukIntan Appanah Butchiah , 77, “BN telah membantu golongan miskin, mereka membantu saya juga” #JomPilihMah pic.twitter.com/2Dn9N6iIDe
— #teamMKP (@matkilaupenang) May 31, 2014
Inikah kualiti jentera PR, tak mampu bersaing dengan kekuatan jentera Pemuda BN #PRKTelukIntan #JomPilihMah pic.twitter.com/l0WOrXxW0o
— Ibdilillah Ishak (@ibdil) May 31, 2014
Jentera DAP lumpuh di PDM Kg Bahagia. Gelombang Biru yop! #JomPilihMah #PRKTeluKIntan @Khairykj @azwanbro pic.twitter.com/TuznPM0VV1
— Ibdilillah Ishak (@ibdil) May 31, 2014
Saudara @onnhafiz bersama jentera BN di PDM Bt 12 Utara. Gelombang biru yop! #JomPilihMah #PRKtelukintan pic.twitter.com/EJl6UTyj4Q
— Ibdilillah Ishak (@ibdil) May 31, 2014
MB Perak melawat PDM dan berjumpa pengundi di batak rabit #JomPilihMah #PrkTelukIntan @DrNovandri @tankengliang pic.twitter.com/469HaZhInv
— PRK Teluk Intan (@P076TelukIntan) May 31, 2014
Tahniah YB Datuk Mah Siew Keong atas kepercayaan yang diberi penduduk #TelukIntan ! Kami sedia berkhidmat! #BN4TI pic.twitter.com/YYmV9eXMxt
— Wanita UMNO Malaysia (@WanitaUMNOMsia) May 31, 2014