During the current by-election in P76.Teluk Intan we have been collecting data from both Facebook and Twitter. Keywords based on the campaign and name of the candidates Dyana Sofya (PR/DAP) and Mah Siew Keong (BN/GERAKAN) were used.

The following Facebook statistics and most-shared posts are based on the second week of the campaign, May 27th – May 30th (morning). Please note that we are limited to only public posts, and only a daily sample of what was shared.

From our previous analysis (read here) it is clear that social media usage will not have a big impact on the by-election results. Popularity on Facebook or Twitter are not going to be an indication of which party wins.

However it is an indication of what campaign messages received the most traction with users online, and this analysis can help future campaigners on a national level.

Please read our Teluk Intan GE13 Analysis for an idea of PR and BN’s odds in this by-election.

Please read this post for last week’s top Facebook media and statistics.

1. Facebook Statistics

Note: ‘Public posts’ refer to public shares of public content. Likes are under-reported because Facebook does not provide a total like count per-post. We are limited to a maximum of 25 likes per-post.

Total shares refer to the number of public and private shares for a given post (re-sharing). Total share statistics are also under-reported because Facebook did not provide a share count for all photos.

For example, 380 photos shared 1,070 times with 540 total shares means there were 1,070 Facebook posts in total, that were in turn shared 540 times. The 380 photos may have been shared across 1,610 posts (1070+540). However we have no details on the 540 total shares, which may include some of the original 1,070 posts that we obtained.

1.1 About Dyana Sofya:

  • 1,706 public posts by 1,092 users
  • 1,408 total shares of public posts
  • 3,358 likes of public posts
  • Public posts are divided into:
    • 244 status posts by 208 users (263 total shares)
    • 278 photos posted/shared 743 times by 585 users (281 total shares)
    • 62 videos posted/shared 184 times by 161 users (426 shares)
    • 202 links posted/shared 535 times by 209 users (438 shares)

1.2 About Mah Siew Keong

  • 293 public posts by 200 users
  • 307 total shares of public posts
  • 960 likes of public posts
  • Public posts are divided into:

    • 66 status posts by 53 users (46 total shares)
    • 82 photos posted/shared 144 times by 107 users (33 total shares)
    • 12 videos posted/shared 40 times by 35 users (24 total shares)
    • 35 links posted/shared 43 times by 21 users (204 total shares)

Data collection on Mah Siew Keong was difficult due to a lack of public posts mentioning his name. There were promotional campaign posts, however these relied on words present in the image. Such posts did not contain they keywords that we were looking for, and were not included in this summary.

We calculate ‘most shared content’ based on the number of posts collected and the number of reported re-sharing of those posts (shares of shares). For each candidate we have listed the most shared videos, photos and links to external sites.

2. Most Shared Videos

2.1 About Dyana Sofya

104 total shares (link)


92 total shares (link)


78 total shares (link)


59 total shares (link)


2.2 About Mah Siew Keong

22 public shares (link)


6 total shares (link)


4 total shares (link)


3. Most Shared Photos

Analysis was done based on public shares as total share-count was not provided for most photos. We sought to include photos that had the highest share-count as reported on Facebook’s website.

3.1 About Dyana Sofya

89 public shares (link)


28 public shares (link)


22 public shares (link)


3.2 About Mah Siew Keong

3 public shares (link)


3 public shares (link)


3 public shares (link)

4. Most Shared Links to External Sites

Total shares were used to perform ranking.

4.1 About Dyana Sofya

“Dyana: Saya akan buat BN penuhi janjinya”, KiniTV, 49 total shares

“Isu Dyana berselendang: Umno yang hipokrit, kata Khalid”, KiniTV, 46 total shares

“Dyana bukan calon 3B tapi 3N, kata BN”, KiniTV, 41 total shares

“Saya isytihar keluar Perkasa, kata ibu Dyana Sofya”, The Malaysian Insider, 37 total shares

“Dua NGO kecam kenyataan seksis menteri kepada Dyana Sofya”, The Malaysian Insider, 24 total shares

“Gerakan: Dyana penipu dengan manifesto ‘kosong'”, KiniTV, 23 total shares

4.2 About Mah Siew Keong

“Mah: Bukan salah saya jika menteri tabur janji”, KiniTV, 75 total shares

“Poster disimbah cat merah, Mah minta DAP henti provokasi”, KiniTV, 37 total shares

“DAP: Hamper makanan BN satu bentuk rasuah”, KiniTV, 35 total shares

“Jika kalah, saya akan bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya – Mah”, KiniTV, 31 total shares

“Poster Mah kena conteng perkataan ‘bodoh'”, KiniTV, 9 total shares

“Manifesto Dyana hanya ‘Cut and Paste'”, KiniTV, 5 total shares